Unit 4/92 Bryant Street Padstow NSW 2211 Sydney Australia
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  • CMA Admix is a crystal growth material – or sometimes called “Crystalline
  • It provides, simple, effective, LIFETIME WATERPROOFING
  • It can be applied in 2 ways:
    • Added to the concrete pour as an admixture
    • Trowelled onto an existing wall as a slurry coat.
  • Unlike membranes, CMA Admix cannot delaminate, deteriorate, puncture or be
    damaged by following trades.
  • It considerably saves on construction time (and therefore money) because it is
    added to the concrete during the pour.
  • It provides LIFETIME WATERPROOFING so no re-application or future
    maintenance is required
  • CMA Admix remains dormant in the concrete and will reactivate on future contact
    with water
  • CMA Admix is more effective than other crystal growth materials because:
    • It is supplied as a CONCENTRATE.
    • Other crystal growth materials are normally supplied as a mixture with sand
      and cement.
    • Some of these materials have diluted the concentrate to the extent that the
      effectiveness of the product becomes doubtful
  • Effective against positive/negative pressure. Suitable for use with potable water.
  • CMA Admix is a concentrate it has an unlimited shelf life is very competitive in price,
    regardless of whether it is compared to traditional membranes or other crystal growth


1Admix Presentation

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